Viña del Mar (Chile), 24 feb (EFE) .- Mexican singer Marco Antonio Solis in love with the public Wednesday Festival Viña del Mar with its recipe of ballads full of romance and served with excellence and safety that give their nearly four-decade career. The artist was presented in concert for the third time in the amphitheater at the Quinta Vergara, where it already was in 2005 and 2008 and for the third time also went home with three trophies awarded by popular demand, the most important of them, silver gull.
However, the show did not cause the same collective hypnosis surrounding his last appearance, although it exhibited almost the same script that three years earlier. Dressed in a beige pants and shirt and black jacket, the Mexican imposed its natural elegance to an auditorium full of women who received their first dose of romantic ballads like "God bless our love" and "If you could lie." How beautiful is being once again here.
The most important moment of our existence that we enjoy here now: the present, "said the artist, who at 51 years is growing a long hair that gives it the air of a prophet. The Mexican was witty and safe to handle as they please the audience, which he called "brothers" and "young ladies", displays of spirituality and gallantry that have given a mark of distinction in a market where those values listed on the downside.
Marco Antonio Solis, love and its intricacies are a recurring theme in both his albums and in his speech. "To let the love in our hearts is to let God," recited Solis after singing "My endless love secret." The issues that are of love song, simple but true ", defended at the press conference following the concert.
The artist also had time to bring out their rhythmic songs like "Morenita," which portrayed are a colorful group of dancers wearing the Mexican flag, and maintain the flashes of his country ranch as "blessed permission" . In addition, the Mexican dusted two tracks from his previous band, "Los Bukis" and rescued from their archives "Your jail," composed in 1986, and "I fall in love with you", hatched three years later.
With chanted "More than your friend", which was accompanied by four dancers in colorful carnival costumes, Marco Antonio Solis regained the air party, although the closure was reserved for ballads. "I miss you every day" and expected "Where My Spring "sung in unison with the 15,000 souls who filled the auditorium, put the finishing touch to the outstanding performance, in form and content this summer artist.
During his performance, unlike what happened in the first two days of this year, presenters rushed delivery of trophies and first awarded at Solis had only forty minutes on stage. Solis and said today that artists should not be a gala opening of the stage to not abuse taking time away from those who come after all the controversy about the Chilean starring Américo yesterday, accusing the presenter of interrupting his show.
Finally, the artist spent just over an hour and a half on stage at the Quinta Vergara and gave way to the folk and international powers and the performance of a well-known Chilean comedian. The evening will end with the arrival on the scene of the sizzling Puerto Rican Calle 13, which promise to close with an evening din opened with a tribute to the late Argentine singer Sandro.
Rausell Fuencis 

However, the show did not cause the same collective hypnosis surrounding his last appearance, although it exhibited almost the same script that three years earlier. Dressed in a beige pants and shirt and black jacket, the Mexican imposed its natural elegance to an auditorium full of women who received their first dose of romantic ballads like "God bless our love" and "If you could lie." How beautiful is being once again here.
The most important moment of our existence that we enjoy here now: the present, "said the artist, who at 51 years is growing a long hair that gives it the air of a prophet. The Mexican was witty and safe to handle as they please the audience, which he called "brothers" and "young ladies", displays of spirituality and gallantry that have given a mark of distinction in a market where those values listed on the downside.
Marco Antonio Solis, love and its intricacies are a recurring theme in both his albums and in his speech. "To let the love in our hearts is to let God," recited Solis after singing "My endless love secret." The issues that are of love song, simple but true ", defended at the press conference following the concert.
The artist also had time to bring out their rhythmic songs like "Morenita," which portrayed are a colorful group of dancers wearing the Mexican flag, and maintain the flashes of his country ranch as "blessed permission" . In addition, the Mexican dusted two tracks from his previous band, "Los Bukis" and rescued from their archives "Your jail," composed in 1986, and "I fall in love with you", hatched three years later.
With chanted "More than your friend", which was accompanied by four dancers in colorful carnival costumes, Marco Antonio Solis regained the air party, although the closure was reserved for ballads. "I miss you every day" and expected "Where My Spring "sung in unison with the 15,000 souls who filled the auditorium, put the finishing touch to the outstanding performance, in form and content this summer artist.
During his performance, unlike what happened in the first two days of this year, presenters rushed delivery of trophies and first awarded at Solis had only forty minutes on stage. Solis and said today that artists should not be a gala opening of the stage to not abuse taking time away from those who come after all the controversy about the Chilean starring Américo yesterday, accusing the presenter of interrupting his show.
Finally, the artist spent just over an hour and a half on stage at the Quinta Vergara and gave way to the folk and international powers and the performance of a well-known Chilean comedian. The evening will end with the arrival on the scene of the sizzling Puerto Rican Calle 13, which promise to close with an evening din opened with a tribute to the late Argentine singer Sandro.
Rausell Fuencis

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