Arch Enemy machinery already in motion and I count the days until the departure of Khaos Legions, their ninth studio album, available via Century Media, May 30 in Europe and June 7 United States. This highly anticipated album comes with the Swedish band's success at the top after the DVD released in 2008 live Tyrants Of The Rising Sun and in 2009 The Root Of All Evil, a re-recording of songs from the stage prior to the vocalist Angela Gossow.
The album was recorded in the Sweet Spot Studio at the orders of the engineer Rickard Bengtsson, long known for producing Arch Enemy Doomsday Machine in 2005. After a few days ago a video leaked images of a unique showcase offered March 14 Wermelskirchen (Germany), now let us download the song 'Yesterday Is Dead And Gone' (GoEar) and passed us the tracklist of new album , whose cover is the work of Brent Elliott White (Megadeth, Death Angel).
Here's the list of issues: The April issue of the German edition of Metal Hammer will come with an exclusive CD entitled Dawn Of Arch Enemy Khaos. Includes two new songs from his new album, a version of Kiss, two unreleased live tracks and seven classics of the band. 

The album was recorded in the Sweet Spot Studio at the orders of the engineer Rickard Bengtsson, long known for producing Arch Enemy Doomsday Machine in 2005. After a few days ago a video leaked images of a unique showcase offered March 14 Wermelskirchen (Germany), now let us download the song 'Yesterday Is Dead And Gone' (GoEar) and passed us the tracklist of new album , whose cover is the work of Brent Elliott White (Megadeth, Death Angel).
Here's the list of issues: The April issue of the German edition of Metal Hammer will come with an exclusive CD entitled Dawn Of Arch Enemy Khaos. Includes two new songs from his new album, a version of Kiss, two unreleased live tracks and seven classics of the band.
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Arch Enemy (homepage)  Arch Enemy (lastfm)  Arch Enemy (musicbrainz)  Arch Enemy (wikipedia)  
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