A few days ago Internet was revolutionized with the video of a contestant in a talent show, a Chilean man who surprised everyone by making a perfect imitation of Shakira and her song Gypsy. The Colombian singer was no stranger to this phenomenon and already expressed his desire to meet Rodolfo Burgos, his imitator.
And his wish was fulfilled. On Thursday night, just before a Shakira concert in the capital of Chile, of his 2011 tour Sale El Sol, both singers could meet in the clubhouse of the singer, as reported by various Chilean media. Rodolfo Shakira and chatted for half an hour in the singer's dressing room, where they exchanged gifts and a relaxed chat.
Then, Shakira took the stage to offer the people of Santiago de Chile a nearly two-hour concert. The case of 'Shakira' was truly a web phenomenon, which itself contributed Shakira, who hung on his Twitter and Facebook page the video of the performance of Rodolfo to write soon after I was willing to meet you. 

And his wish was fulfilled. On Thursday night, just before a Shakira concert in the capital of Chile, of his 2011 tour Sale El Sol, both singers could meet in the clubhouse of the singer, as reported by various Chilean media. Rodolfo Shakira and chatted for half an hour in the singer's dressing room, where they exchanged gifts and a relaxed chat.
Then, Shakira took the stage to offer the people of Santiago de Chile a nearly two-hour concert. The case of 'Shakira' was truly a web phenomenon, which itself contributed Shakira, who hung on his Twitter and Facebook page the video of the performance of Rodolfo to write soon after I was willing to meet you.
- Shakira Fakes, Shakira Nude, Shakira Naked! (30/10/2010)
- Shakira Shakes Her Ass On-Stage (26/01/2011)
- Shakira Speaks At Harvard! (28/02/2011)
- Shakira warms back up to ex-boyfriend Antonio de la Rua. Where's Gerard Pique? (10/03/2011)
- Shakira Passes One Billion YouTube Views! (26/01/2011)
Shakira (homepage)  Shakira (lastfm)  Shakira (musicbrainz)  Shakira (wikipedia)  Shakira (imdb)  Entrevista em português com Shakira! (ano 1997) (youtube)  Shakira Catalan Blood (youtube)  Shakira - Interview - Paul OGrady Show - 5th November 09-snoop (Part 1) (youtube)  
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