Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Burial I do not know what is in your eyes that drive me crazy

Burial is something that baffles me. That something that leads me to join in my head the song "I dunno, I do not know '(YouTube), written by Manuel Sánchez Pernia and success of Rumba Tres in 1974, while I think what attracts me to his music. If you look at his discography will be found with only two albums released in two years in a row: Burial (2006, Hyperdub) and Untrue (2007, Hyperdub).

If the singles are going well. In 2005 it launched South London Boroughs (Hyperdub) and in 2007 retired with Ghost Hardware (Hyperdub). Thereafter Burial will disappear from the hand of a massive success, both within and outside the electronic scene. In 2009, suddenly returns with Four Tet in the 12 "black mother / Wolf Club (Text Records).

The union with the great Kieran Hebden makes a little change of pace managed to get the feet warm pot of Soul and Dub both colorless under electron shell. Then, if you've seen I do not remember. As much as Steve Goodman, head of Hyperdub, we put an long teeth with unfulfilled promises of new material, the reality was different.

As with Richard D. James (Aphex Twin), here are the fans idly with nothing to drive us to the ears. Burial, Four Tet + Thom Yorke - Ego (YouTube) yesterday, thanks to Ivan Conte via Twitter, I heard they put on sale a new 12 "black and uninformed also under the seal of Hebden, Text Records, and neither doubted: shopping! A few minutes spent.

I have to confess that I continue to put events and rolling pin. Glad to see how a reference flying without promo and online. Rarely is one. Four Tet company and Thom Yorke will amounted to 12 "extra value catches this is golden. We know how they spend Radiohead collectors who are very mad with all sorts of oddities about the British group (we, like all those we lost these issues.) The case is now going to be uploaded on the Net new issues of the reference: 'Ego' and 'Mirror'.

Following the broadcast last night by Rinse FM Many of us have risen to some videos on YouTube that have not stopped playing all morning. Thom Yorke / Burial / Four Tet - Mirror (YouTube) After a few hours have been listening to the new material (and those that follow) back to the feeling of doubt that led me to think of the song 'No I do not know '.

The beginning of this item Rumba start questioning what's so attractive these crazy eyes that the protagonist. When I hear the new material from Burial (because these two issues in terms of sound are half yours and some of the companions) assaulted me the same question. What is special Burial to launch two very similar to what had already published at the time and I love them? 'No I do not know' are hidden all the answers.

Burial throws things very timely and that makes him someone you want. Has a particular way of being, oblivious to fame and the music scene always attracts a way of seeing music special thanks to those low so warm that the most convincing both Purete as those with mania to the beats. He seems to understand very well the previous sound (the whole scene of the Jungle and company, along with Soul and Dub) but manages to give a lap without tiring it again and again with the new issues, since very little to make, not we get tired of it.

Rumba Tres - I do not know, I know (Live) (YouTube)

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