Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The director of Cirque du Soleil: "The Spanish public is very difficult because it is steeped in theater

Corteo, the most theatrical show of Cirque du Soleil arrives in Spain with six years of success around the world as collateral. Its creator and director is a "showman" Italian Daniele Finzi. How was the proposal and the creation of Corteo? Like a caress, as a gift. They had seen my shows and wanted to take my world a circus setting.

It was a very nice trip, almost two years of beautiful adventure. The best way to touch humanity is trying to do something close to you What is your career? Working with the Cirque du Soleil learn a lot. I come from the experimental theater, I'm used to a more intimate, to achieve excite a wider audience is a task ...

What is your profession? I have not. The theater is hard to say that work: play all the time, and get paid. If a job, would research, understand and try to understand humanity. I'm a showman. Is there anything autobiographical history of Corteo clown? One tells what he knows or does not know doing things as if known.

In the end, always something of myself. Makes a beautiful show from a funeral ... In this case, it becomes tender madness, Corteo is very tender. There are places where the funeral is a feast for those who remain recall. In his shows, there is always the message. What is the Corteo? The hidden frame can not be counted ...

but in the last 10 years I have talked a lot about friendship, love me. Friends are people who know you and you also love your flaws! And how do you get to audiences around the world? By Corteo discovered that the best way to touch humanity is trying to do something very close to yourself.

I do shows with my mother, my wife, my friends ..., as a reference, tell stories so that they get excited. You count as talks of a child in your neighborhood on how to fly away and discover that people in Australia also dreams of flying. How do you expect will be the host in Spain? The Spanish public is very generous, and difficult too, because he knows well what is spoken, is steeped in theater.

Daniele Finzi was born in Lugano in 1964. Author's monologue Icarus, founded Teatro Sunil and came up with the closing of the Winter Olympics in Turin. On his return to Spain, the Cirque du Soleil presents Corteo, which premiered in Montreal in April 2005 and have already seen 5.4 million viewers in over 30 cities.

The Spanish tour will begin April 2 in Madrid and Valencia go through, since 15 June, Alicante, since 27 July, and Seville, from 8 September. Madrid tickets are on sale on their website. For Valencia, Alicante and Seville, the advance sale is available for Cirque Club members (membership is free).

Corteo is a festive parade imagined by a clown who combines the passion of the actors with the power of the acrobats.

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