Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Estrella Morente: "The death of my father left me broken into a thousand pieces"

Estrella Morente: "The death of my father left me broken into a thousand pieces" Rota of grief over the death of his father but with a desire to excel. In that spirit, the singer Estrella Morente is presented on Tuesday for the first time before the Viennese public, a scenario "sacred" and scale of a European tour that you will help to push his career a much more serious if possible.

" "I'm a miracle here," said the singer from Granada in an interview in which he acknowledges that the death in December of Enrique Morente, his father and his teacher, he "has left the broken life. Rota as a glass when it falls to soil. " I had a moment of clarity in my pain, "My life is fragmented into a thousand pieces.

I know I'll have to get used to the idea but for me it will be very difficult to overcome," laments Estrella Morente (Granada, 1981). "That which I dare not mention," he sighs, with the emotion reflected in his voice and eyes, speaking of the death of whom he considers his "friend and spiritual guide." But over the death penalty, Morente has embarked on a tour through the end of March, will take over half of Europe and into the act today in the Vienna Konzerthaus.

"It's a challenge. First and foremost is a commitment that he had accepted long ago", says Morente. "I had a moment of clarity in my pain. I have seen that the head should outweigh the heart," he explains, and ensures that comes to wanting to conquer Vienna. "Art saves us all. It is a therapy, but most of all is my profession and my professional obligation, "says the singer.

A challenge, he says, which would dump the same in any way, but that" such important circumstances "in his life, have given "more weight". "I have gained more strength. I will resume my career much more seriously, if possible. So far I've tried to take it with utmost seriousness, as I have taught, "he announces.

Someday, perhaps, I approached the greatness that was Don Enrique Morente" Be sure that at this time becomes the dream of my life to sing in Vienna, among other things, because Enrique Morente was eager to come to Vienna to sing, "he reveals. A dream that he could not meet and that she," somehow the extension "is about to come true." I am fully aware from where I stand.

For me it is a sacred place, "the capital of classical music and lyric, he says, his father taught him to love. In addition, Morente want, with this performance, contributing to" the flamenco artists and flamenco have the opportunity to be part of time and historical sites. An aspiration that the singer is not afraid to admit that wants for itself.

"I want to be part of history, I do not want to stay in a story in some fashion. I would like to dial. My dream, my challenge is that "he explains." I'm not saying you have the opportunity, for my conditions. Someday, perhaps, I approached the greatness that was Don Enrique Morente. And perhaps, through there, you can remember something about me interesting, "trust the artist.

Of course, Morente, remembers that his father is" inimitable. "I do not ever pretend to be like him because he was unique" he admits. "Yes, I have taught and given me the guidelines to have their own personality and I think that was her greatest legacy. In that I do want to imitate "the artist aspires.

A personality and style of classic and modern, defined by freedom and that it defines an idea:" You have to walk in the search continues. "" The most importantly, do not want to lock me anything, "says a singer that just admiring the girl of Combs who dares to fado, jazz and even breaking into the movies.

For example, participation in Chico and Rita movie animation created by Fernando Trueba and Javier Mariscal and which Morente, transformed into a cartoon, it plays itself. "You can not imagine what has been part of that work of art. It was a before and after the film. People who have seen it know that's great.

And over time this work will be assessed and placed in an important place in film history, "enthused the singer valued.

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