Sing, dance, has written songs for other artists, has been a hostess and model, has touted the virtues of cameras at technology fairs and has shown the world that you can walk on two feet increases. Now, in addition, Lady Gaga has announced that he wants to debut in the direction of clips and she'll take the baton of video of one of their forthcoming singles: Judas.
It's fun to sound like a priest pop However, the U.S. is not alone to face this new task: Lauriann Gibson will help in a job that will include "religious elements" as the girl revealed a digital meeting organized by Google. "It's no surprise to many of you, I guess." Judas for a man of the Bible, so it is logical to introduce some symbolism in the video, "he said.
He also recalled some of the lyrics of the song which says: "When he comes to me, I'm ready, wash your feet with my hair if needed, forgive him when his tongue lie (...) even after I betrayed three times ...". For the solo, the track Judas represents the confrontation with the demons of self.
"It's fun to dance and sound like the pop album of a cure," he observed. It is not the only news these days has been published about the artist Born this way. In addition, the press highlighted that this tireless singer has collaborated with two songs on the new album by Jennifer Lopez, who hit the market next May.
One of them, Invading my mind, that besides being written has been produced by Lady Gaga, anticipated sticky rhythms with which it has succeeded it. The press also reflects the concern of the young by the disaster that has hit Japan. The singer had been encouraged to design a bracelet whose proceeds will go entirely for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami.
"I designed the Japan Prayer Bracelet (bracelet to pray for Japan)" in its Twittter eplicó. The bracelet bears an inscription: "We pray for Japan." 

It's fun to sound like a priest pop However, the U.S. is not alone to face this new task: Lauriann Gibson will help in a job that will include "religious elements" as the girl revealed a digital meeting organized by Google. "It's no surprise to many of you, I guess." Judas for a man of the Bible, so it is logical to introduce some symbolism in the video, "he said.
He also recalled some of the lyrics of the song which says: "When he comes to me, I'm ready, wash your feet with my hair if needed, forgive him when his tongue lie (...) even after I betrayed three times ...". For the solo, the track Judas represents the confrontation with the demons of self.
"It's fun to dance and sound like the pop album of a cure," he observed. It is not the only news these days has been published about the artist Born this way. In addition, the press highlighted that this tireless singer has collaborated with two songs on the new album by Jennifer Lopez, who hit the market next May.
One of them, Invading my mind, that besides being written has been produced by Lady Gaga, anticipated sticky rhythms with which it has succeeded it. The press also reflects the concern of the young by the disaster that has hit Japan. The singer had been encouraged to design a bracelet whose proceeds will go entirely for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami.
"I designed the Japan Prayer Bracelet (bracelet to pray for Japan)" in its Twittter eplicó. The bracelet bears an inscription: "We pray for Japan."
- J.Lo And Lady Gaga Collaboration (23/03/2011)
- Lady Gaga 'Invades' Jennifer Lopez's Album (21/03/2011)
- Jennifer Lopez & Lady Gaga Team Up for 'Invading My Mind' (19/03/2011)
- Jennifer Lopez teams up with Lady Gaga (Audio) (19/03/2011)
- Lady Gaga Wrote/Produced Songs For J.Lo's New Album! (19/03/2011)
Jennifer Lopez (rottentomatoes)  Jennifer Lopez (myspaceeverything)  Jennifer Lopez (homepage)  Jennifer Lopez (lastfm)  Jennifer Lopez (musicbrainz)  Jennifer Lopez (wikipedia)  Jennifer Lopez (imdb)  Lady Gaga (myspaceeverything)  Lady Gaga (homepage)  Lady Gaga (musicbrainz)  Lady Gaga (wikipedia)  Lady Gaga (imdb)  
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