Thursday, March 17, 2011

Taylor Swift: "I dread getting into trouble"

In an era marked by the success of singers with an image hypersexualized and aggressive as Pink, Britney Spears or Miley Cyrus, the multi-Taylor Swift on Saturday performing for the first time in Spain, claimed her naturalness and candor as genuine advocates of their country music plays softly. "I always believe that life is more fun if I am true to what I love.

I love music, love my family and my friends, my fans. I love pretty dresses, winter, cooking and do not need to hang out noisy bars to enjoy. I dread getting into trouble, so I do not, "he said in an interview this American artist. Today, Swift provides world through lyrics Speak now (now speaks in Spanish), rather than a disk, "a confession" with songs written in his own handwriting in very concrete thinking, which says things that once stopped.

I'm so excited to meet so many Spanish fans "It was time to say things that needed to say. They often do not express exactly what goes through my mind at the right time and, later, all I can do to get it off my chest is to compose a song about it, "says the leit-motif of this album, which closed after giving birth to single Story of us.

Jealous of their privacy, often invaded by the gossip press, not shown yet so cautious about the paper or on a stage, where it says not to feel "uncomfortable" despite reveal "more raw emotion" to millions of people. "My songs are always autobiographical," says the author of international hits such as You belong with me or Love Story, who prefers to ignore the "vulnerability" that condemns him that honesty and writing about his life off the "generalities." "Speak Now talk about what has happened to me in the past two years, an intense period," he explains.

"Getting my music remains fresh music involves taking risks and never censor my letters because they can be deduced from whom they talk," says this artist who says guided by the "good feelings." It's easy to turn to people that tells you exactly what you want to hear "For me, the country always has been about telling stories and how to count.

That's what I like and I feel very honored to be able to do around the world "explains on this style, which has experienced some resurgence beyond the U.S. in recent times, thanks in part to the success of the merger that this young woman born in Nashville 21 years ago with pop. His previous album, Fearless, became the album's most successful country in history, after harvesting four Grammys including best album.

"When preparing Speak Now, I knew I had a lot of pressure on my shoulders for the success of Fearless, she admits." But I did not look at it as an adversary, because then you are rejecting your previous work. That album was a collection of memories of my life from 16 to 18 years and always remember with a smile, "he adds.

That pressure the bears, he says, thanks to support from family and friends," that are mercilessly sincere. "It is easy to turn to people that tells you exactly what you want to hear all the time," reflects Swift, who nevertheless prefers to "those friends who have the courage to tell at any given time you're not doing things right ".

The singer booking that space an important place for her mother." She is definitely the person to tell me what you think of truth every time. "Swift shows" grateful "for all the success and, while not wish to reveal the format that will perform next Saturday for the first time in Madrid at the Palacio de los Deportes of the city, it moves it along to songs from his new album, are songs that have made him famous in all world.

" I'm so excited to meet so many Spanish fans! "he exclaims.

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