From July 13 to 17 will go on stage at Dine Sotto (BG) "Music For Eemergency. Now in its seventh edition, the music festival organized by the BDK offers five nights this year with free admission to major Italian and international musical guests. The proceeds will be donated to Emergency. Here's the schedule: Wednesday, 13 luglioOmar Pedrini + Miura (Alberto opener Ubbiali) Thursday, 14 luglioMarky Blitkrieg Ramone (The Ramones former group, the Voice Michale Graves, former Misfits) + opener Crancy crockVenerd luglioRezophonic 15 + opener; Last FightSabato 16 LuglioSir Skardy Oliver & Fahrenheit 451 + Opener CornoltisDomenica GuruIncontro July 17 - Discussion with President of Cecilia Road Opener Mojo Filter for Emergency + info: www.
musicforemergency. en 

musicforemergency. en
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