Saturday, May 14, 2011

TV On The Radio - Nine Types of Light: the elegance of sophisticated pop

Nine Types of Light is not the best album by TV On The Radio. Nor is the worst. Is some distance from the magnificent Dear Science. If you want to dance all and more, get that. (The earlier internalize these four sentences earlier and enjoy this disc.) If you want to stay to see how, once again, the spectacle of how they are still the best bartender making cocktails, do it, but know that in advance you do not drink the punch.

Combinations are to enjoy more on a sofa on the dance floor. Here the role is not for the sound and even ecstasy chemical produced their previous album, but for changing the perspective and still have the elements, prioritize textures and atmospheres before rioting with petardazos guitarrazos electronic or anthology (which is , but they point).

The thing is not so much to finish the play, but to prepare it. More than consummated, it is to seduce, to love. In the area of tight songs, but aseptic, neat and less dense than Return to Cookie Mountain settle the general tone of the album, each song bringing different perspectives, and glistening with sophistication ('Will do'), its solemnity, almost pastoral ( 'Killer crane'), the emotional intimacy of 'Keep your heart', or the ethereal evocation is 'You'.

TV On The Radio - Will Do (Vimeo) Another block will shape the songs that seem to go somewhere to burst, but they represent an exercise in restraint, in demonstration that intelligence can be maintained at any level of concentration and that resources, rather than disposing of them, it is preferable to learn to manage them.

This is the case of 'No future shock', which exposes all the possibilities that can be expanded by showing the full range of guitars, vocals, trumpets and shouting, but just be a thought exercise in style. 'New Cannonball Run' focuses its electronic component and more verbose phrases, conveying an addictive feeling that we are approaching a climax, is an erection in the VIP area of the premises.

Y 'Forgotten' we took as a point of redemption, of simplicity, clarity and subtlety, once the heater. But we can not ignore the high points, in which we unleashed. As the final 'Caffeinated Consciousness', full of anger and arrogance, who could melt in your way, such as amphetamine delusional and 'Repetition'.

However, that stands above the whole, the proof that when you sing there is no one to reach the shoulder height, is the initial 'Second Song', which include all their virtues, effectiveness when they step on the accelerator, and elegance when they lower the speed, apart from a shot of optimism completely masterful.

As if Prince share a table with Gorillaz and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and do him over to the British case, there is an album with many more nuances than is seen in some early listeners who are disappointed about their previous albums. Loses the immediacy and accessibility rapidly since its debut, but this versatile repertoire of skills that were unable to compensate even the full success on all songs, showing that the preparation and thoroughness are more rewarding when you discover little by little.

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