"With Pleasing Taire Te", listen the meeting between Miss K and singer Zazie. This is sublime song from the album Miss K, "Playing Outside". This duet "Te Me Taire Delight" was rerecorded by the popular rock singer after meeting with Zazie at a festival, three years ago. Like many duet "Te Me Taire Pleasing" Miss K and Zazie harmoniously blend the two musical worlds of the two singers.
Miss K rock and pop of Zazie. The title is a pleasant surprise and fits easier for listening out of Miss K's album "Playing Outside". Upon listening to the song, we recognize the music tab by Zazie that brings a lot to the melody and arrangement of the title. Miss K, told her joy to work with Zazie.
Not stingy with compliments about Zazie, Miss K gives his views: "A duet with Zazie, because I always loved his voice, his lyrics, his simplicity, his honesty. I also knew that she loved my universe. She had told me at a festival where we had crossed three years ago. I learned a lot from this meeting as humanly musically.
It is a marriage that I like: beautiful, simple and unexpected. The two singers are joined on the same disc and soon on the same scenes. Indeed, Miss K and Zazie be this summer 2011, present the same day at the festival "The Déferlantes Argeles, July 9, and also the Francofolies de La Rochelle, July 13.
Both singers should therefore be on stage to perform their magic duo "Te Me Taire Pleasing." 

Miss K rock and pop of Zazie. The title is a pleasant surprise and fits easier for listening out of Miss K's album "Playing Outside". Upon listening to the song, we recognize the music tab by Zazie that brings a lot to the melody and arrangement of the title. Miss K, told her joy to work with Zazie.
Not stingy with compliments about Zazie, Miss K gives his views: "A duet with Zazie, because I always loved his voice, his lyrics, his simplicity, his honesty. I also knew that she loved my universe. She had told me at a festival where we had crossed three years ago. I learned a lot from this meeting as humanly musically.
It is a marriage that I like: beautiful, simple and unexpected. The two singers are joined on the same disc and soon on the same scenes. Indeed, Miss K and Zazie be this summer 2011, present the same day at the festival "The Déferlantes Argeles, July 9, and also the Francofolies de La Rochelle, July 13.
Both singers should therefore be on stage to perform their magic duo "Te Me Taire Pleasing."
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Zazie (myspace)  Zazie (homepage)  Zazie (blog)  Zazie (lastfm)  Zazie (musicbrainz)  Zazie (wikipedia)  
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