Friday, February 4, 2011

Battle of poetic rhymes

Interpretation 50%, 50% poetry. So poetic competitions arise, better known as slam poetry, which are slowly making their entry into Spain. Madrid, Barcelona and Jaén and have routinely places where they occur, and other cities such as Girona, Mallorca, also held meetings with some frequency. This year also Kosmopolis to be held in March, will host the first national slam championship.

A familiar scenario for the Slammers, because it was the first space that housed the art in 2006. The crowd boos, cheers, sighs ... ultimately expresses its appreciation or repudiates the 'slammer' The rules are clear: three minutes (as a boxing round) is a poet and performer (actor because skills are not may be missing) to seduce the public and be above other competitors.

Some even give you a rapper about the matter, although here the battle is neither rooster nor is the time, face to face, but one by one. The poems themselves are to be provided, can be said in any language and with the paper in front or the content well memorized or improvised (it is a choice and talent of the contestant) and it is forbidden to make use of objects, only their bodies and hands can help to represent them.

Costumes are also not allowed. The crowd boos, cheers, sighs ... ultimately expresses its appreciation or repudiates the slammer and live, is part of the game. And in the end, vote, making it clear who the true king, at least that night and the location. Here the stage fright is not an inch of space.

The meaning is exactly the opposite. Without shame, without the rhetoric of many poetry readings (they struggle precisely against this), here naturally has a high price. The winner may not be the best poem, who takes up with the victory will be the verse that best matches the picture that it makes your body, your voice, your talent.

All this has its risks, of course, because they give the public much paper can cause the competitor has to deal with a hail of boos. And yet, the slammers or so have we talked with one of his days in Madrid's Café poetic freedom, also its hook: those who practice it, repeat, and some have become real stars.

Dani is the case of Orvin, a young (most are, but there are no limits in this sense) that makes almost everything, and whom his own show as the best competitors. Arantxa Otero, Aaron Coleman, Silvia Nieva, Sebastian Lopez or Yanit of Death are some who chat with us before taking the stage and totally separated from their usual occupations.

Maybe that has much to do with the magic that they claim to live, during this time are transformed and away from those who are in their daily lives. And that journey is recorded just as neither books nor cameras ... just nothing more than a devoted audience beyond this kind of poetic and dramatic.

Other names that sound more in this genre born in America in the eighties are the Clown Chojín and Manchego. And one of the great advantages of these battles poetry is the ability to express what is written at high speed, and not have to wait for a publisher to publish your book of poems, if that happens.

In addition, some or considered poets or feel like posting, do so simply because they tested and got caught. It has taken more than twenty years to reach Spain, but in the end slam has been war and promises to more traditional sense of poetry. The party laboratory in the literature that has all the options for testing and expression Kosmopolis call will be held from 24 to 26 March in Barcelona.

And it will take place here where the first national championship in poetry slam here in Spain. Some of the biggest names in the letters to the festival lineup will be, among others, Alessandro Baricco, Ian McEwan, Manuel Vicent, Claudio Magris, Enrique Vila-Matas, Joan Margarit and Janne Teller.

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