Monday, February 7, 2011

Crowbar - Sever The Wicked Hand: have returned in full force

Crowbar are back on track with Sever The Wicked Hand, his ninth studio album and first in six years. The band led by Kirk Windstein has been in dry dock but their leader has lost no time as they have entertained with Down, the band he shares with Phil Anselmo, former Pantera vocalist, as with Kingdom Of Sorrow, the project initiated with Jamey To (Hatebreed), which has already two fruits.

We missed those of New Orleans and doom & sludge with heavy and dense items, in which we sometimes find a few changes of pace and some rides inspired by the best hardcore heritage as 'The Cemetery Angels' (YouTube), the I already talked to your video in a past post. And of course, the voice of Kirk Windstein, broken, raspy and super bass sound is half the Crowbar, a band that still offer pretty much the same old, at least tie in with what conteía in Lifesblood For The Downtrodden, the disk published in February 2005.

Windstein himself has been candid when talking about Sever The Wicked Hand: The life experience Windstein Kirk, who left the drugs and alcohol in the summer, has also had much to do in the writing process of this album: The album can not say that it is clear that conceptual but Windstein is about something, "is just a metaphor for something negative stripped me of my life." Crowbar have had time to review their previous work, especially having recently reissued their first three studio albums.

Perhaps because of this have taken provided riffs and old ways, for "Isolation (Desperation)" (YouTube), a powerful mid-tempo cut sludge riffs that seem familiar but are nothing more than his own work. 'Sever The Wicked Hand', cutting the album title is also one hundred percent Crowbar, faster, more hardcore, more obsessive, just as visceral.

'And Cold Liquid Sky Black Earth' is more dense, obsessive, oppressive, painful, more a wave of early Melvins, with those riffs doom inspired by Mr. Iommi. 'Let Me Mourn' (YouTube) is also very doom, perhaps more in the current post Kyuss, low speed, almost at idle. However, The Cemetery Angels, advance single from the album, is a return to hardcore, to those who love fast Crowbar with dubbed voices in the chorus.

'As I Become One' (YouTube) could have been on an album Windstein Down but it has been reserved for his band. Tremendous whiplash that I definitely do you drop to Sever The Wicked Hand. And there's more. 'A Farewell To Misery' is the cut that part of the disk into two. An almost instrumental track, where we find piano, clean guitars and heavenly choirs, which is the rarity of this new song.

Sludge load again with 'Protectors Of The Shrine' and 'I Only Deal In Truth', although in the latter's riff sabbathianos are one hundred percent. Echo An Eternity '(YouTube) is the most depressing of all, a mournful tone, dark fill their chords. "Cleanse Me Heal Me 'clearly connects with the production of Kingdom Of Sorrow and' Symbiosis' closes the album with a more doom, denser and obsessive.

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