Friday, February 4, 2011

Does the singer Nacho Vegas face to be 'trending topic'?

Probably Nacho Vegas-cult indie musician, that is not accustomed to the uproar of the commercial stations and that of large-charts are unfamiliar with social networking. In fact, the Spaniard has no profile on Twitter and Facebook account in responding to his name is updated by an unidentified hand list, carefully and in the third person, each of the developments taking place in the author's career .

What did Nacho Vegas? Nena Daconte "roll with? So the surprise was great when the former member of Manta Rays on Friday has become trending topic on Twitter, a category that get only those who lead the largest number of conversations in the virtual network. "What did Vegas to achieve something like this? Rolling with Nena?" Suggested a user astonished to see the name of their idol about Britney Spears.

However, there was no need for a scandal to pull himself up to that podium virtual. The expectation caused by his new album (The dirty area) and the interview that at that time was giving to Radio 3 and many others that have been published on the same day by the press, have been apparently triggers.

"What do I believe? Above all things, at Sporting Gijon, has been one of the phrases in this shy and thoughtful songwriter more RT. Had been published earlier in The Voice of Galicia. But Vegas has done something more to succeed in cyberspace: the tickets for their concert in Valladolid (25 and 26 February) has long been exhausted.

The same thing happened with her live in Madrid, scheduled for March 24. In this city just set a new date, 25. The composer of the man who almost met Michi Panero is not the only artist supposedly away from the mainstream which is reaping significant trophies. A few days ago his girlfriend Christina Rosenvinge could position the album The small pains in fourth place in the charts, just behind the multivendor Sergio Dalma, Dani Martin and Shakira.

For its part, the band Love Of Lesbian Barcelona has hung the sign "sold out" for four days playing in Madrid by the end of his long road show 1999. His name was also among the 100 groups heard by the Spanish in 2010 in Spotify.

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