Friday, February 4, 2011

Dance music LXXXI

Like every Friday, today is a summary. We get a tour of the electronic and dance scene for some of the most important things occurred in the same week. And let's start with a few laughs thanks to Dimitri, who has returned to let us clear, very clear its position before the law Sinde. This guy does not seem very concerned about the music, rather other concerns are, but take a look at the video and check it yourself.

Turning now to the field, this week we have some news on festivals and new addition, as always, but better let's start with things that are not so new, since our versions and remixes of the week we remembered and the Eurythmics Sweet Dreams, that classic and timeless synth pop so many times have we heard and enjoyed.

And it is one of those topics that are versioned and versioned, but always seems to be better the original. Without going any further, the first remix that I leave, come on behalf of two members of the Swedish House Mafia, Steve Angello and Sebastian Ingrosso, and we thought it wrong too: the original and less respect sounds just a little danceable.

Without doubt, a remix from respect for the original theme. Can not say the same about this other Avicii. And later, as he has gone on sale this week, we discovered that Tim Berg (alias Avicii) has dared to reinterpret in electro house key, and we do not stand out as good as the previous remix.

Avicii not use the original rather than inspiration, and he is far away, resulting in a recurring theme as few and you lose the essence of the subject of the Eurythmics on the way, but that does not preclude currently the number one selling Beatport. And changing the subject, this week could not help but mourn the death of one of the most important composers of soundtracks in history: John Barry.

Operator of nearly 100 scores for films and winner of 5 Oscars, will surely be remembered for being the creator of the classic theme of the films 007. Since you homenajeábamos Noctamina albeit in remix version. Following new music, we present this The Kiss with Ellen Allien wanted Werkschau start promoting a compilation of his own label, BPitch Control which includes 17 unreleased tracks from other artists who either work or have worked on it, and with whom you want to resume play BPitch.

Another new work is having Russ Davies, better known in this electronics like Cinnamon Chasers, which published his second work, the last 25 Science, which offers 9 tracks in it, which can be summarized in one word: vocoder. Anyway, if you have no problems with that vocal effect, the album is highly recommended, full of pretty relaxed indie electronic.

And another new disc is the last night the French had just Nôze at Mondo in Madrid. This will be released in March under the title of Dring, and will come loaded with jazz sounds made by traditional instruments, blended with house foundations, as they have done in his three previous works.

Other well to consider, as you can see in this thread You Have To Dance who published long ago. As for the Bloody Beetroots, finally we have decided to collect some of his best remixes, and it was something that his audience was crying. Under the "original" title of Best Of ... Remixes, Bob and Tommy Tea Rifo in one box will work carried out on the likes of Vitalic, The Chemical Brothers, MSTRKRFT and Tiga, and are more than convinced that it is a disc essential work even if known.

And I do not finish the review of our news without comment on some of the issues that today we showed in our At last it's Friday and in our Top. Starting with this suggestive At Home extracted from Crystal Star Of Love Fighters. We put the Londoners melodic in both subject matter and in the video that you have prepared.

Nor does it waste the great song they have created Alex Metric and Steve Angello (far removed from what we usually bill the latter alone or with his fellow "gangsters". A theme that has everything, melody, rhythm and continuous rise until final. I can not deny it, I loved it, and I hope you enjoy it as much as me.

And of course, if so, do not hesitate to give your votes in our Top. And finally, I want to show our hit of the week this Illmerica Wolfgang Gartner. A major theme, instrumental, no doubt remind you with Deadmau5 Animal Rights with the difference that this has a video that looks at the history of America in just 5 minutes more critically as possible.'s hear it for Gartner deserves it.

And now to go finish this week and we put on notice of the signs and dates of important festivals like Klubbers' Day, a year is meant as a of the most important events in the capital or Manga Goa to celebrate Carnival, will bring John Digweed headlining. And now if to say goodbye until next week, leaving our controversies of the week, on one hand we wanted to know your opinion on whether the smoking ban is the true cause of poor performance in the hospitality industry during the month of January, as claimed by their employers, or on the contrary is simply due to the crisis and the dreaded cost of January, and above all do not want to leave to inform you of a new movement in the United States, Los Angeles, where a billionaire named Rick Caruso has decided that his personal crusade is to eliminate the mega-raves in that city and if possible all over the U.S., since according to him are the cause of drug problems among young people.

As a farewell, I advise you to look at the list of the best albums of the year for Caribou, which certainly can discover new sounds, and why not? Finally remind you that it's Friday and the top are there, again waiting for you to advise you on the weekend and for you to vote.

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