Saturday, February 5, 2011

Luz Casal fills the Madrid Arena

Madrid witnessed the comeback of one of the leading voices of Spanish music, the galician Luz Casal, who took the World Cancer Day to offer in the capital of Spain's third concert of a tour that has taken over full energy. "I have no doubt that many people in the audience as part of a group I belong to the past four years," said the singer from Galicia, who was presented to ten at night dressed in black with the satisfaction of achieved "dream" to fill the pavilion Madrid Arena, up to ten thousand people.

The first part of the performance of Luz Casal was marked by passion, the album of boleros that the artist published last year, just as he left the stage to recover and look into other music, scenery and music, she explained. Sea and sky, My soul, darkness, with a thousand disappointments and History of a love up a collection of boleros extracted from the memory of Latin American music, which Luz Casal honored in her latest album.

"I see many women, but I need to feel that you are powerful," said the singer, who bonded Among my memories and I do not care, two issues crucial to the discography of a singer only. I see many women, but I need to feel that you are poderosasEntre the guests of honor at the concert, whose proceeds will be dedicated entirely to the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) and the Foundation GEICAM, were the Princes of Asturias, who enjoyed from the front lines a performance lasting almost two hours.

After a change of clothes and registration, Luz Casal showed his more rock, the rhythm took hold of the singer, whose energetic choreographed movements were perfect for songs like At each step, give me a kiss and planted in my head. Thus came the most emotional moment of the night, when Luz Casal began with the bolero Think of Me, a song that will go down in history of music and cinema after having become a classic thanks to the soundtrack of High Heels.

"Thanks for the support, affection, understanding and all the things you have given me for so many years," he thanked the audience the artist, who after introducing the fifteen members of his band played Shadows and No, no and no. Luz Casal farewell to the Madrid crowd with you let her go and hope that everything becomes as ever in search of normality for the singer means to remain a leader in the musical and human.

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