Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Pains of Being Pure At Heart: headaches to be massive?

It's a fact: The Pains of Being Pure At Heart, also known as the Pains of Lola and has fulfilled the forecasts have said that Alan Moulder and Flood for his second album, Belong, they would be placed in the path of the massive . Till now we have heard a couple of singles, the magnificent 'Say No To Love "and" Heart in Your Heartbreak', but were not included on the disc.

. The Pains of Being Pure At Heart "Belong" by Slumberland Records is curious, because they themselves claimed to twitter a few months ago who had rejected proposals to make their music sound in an ad, making a sort of apology for the integrity of the musician. One is already old for as what things and personally I do not care that the songs of a small group to be absorbed into the mainstream.

Do so through advertising creative wonder even less: we know there are several with good taste. The Pains of Being Pure At Heart "Heart In Your Heartbreak" by Slumberland Records At Pains hits them over the tone nuevaolero of 'Heart In Your Heartbreak' to the rock of 'Belong', but I find it shocking that Belong, released leaving on 29 March in Slumberland, is to be the most massive disk of willows just when the band indie castling in its entirety.

That shock someone has to lose out and generally always the loudmouth. Pains While putting the band and walk before the injury and now have no trouble recognizing that the statement was not so lucky twitter.

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