Lykke Li belongs to that breed of Nordic artists displayed in a very timely but undoubtedly dazzle. With a debut that was looking back to a good deal of criticism and ended sneaking in more than a list of the best albums of 2008, has confirmed Wounded Rhymes, a masterful second album optimum health of the music that came from cold.
With two fantastic singles behind them, 'Get Some' and the spectacular 'I Follow Rivers', Lykke Li has chosen "Sadness Is A Blessing' as the umpire. With a rhythmic backdrop reminiscent of the ballads of the sixties, finally shows us another aspect of having the album after two great examples that were the animated first single and part-time with a stunning percussion.
The video you have recorded to promote it has been led by Tarik Saleh has had the participation of the legendary Stellan Skarsgard and we can see Lykke Li turning on itself fueled by the wine dinner in a restaurant full of diners stretched the astonished look. 

With two fantastic singles behind them, 'Get Some' and the spectacular 'I Follow Rivers', Lykke Li has chosen "Sadness Is A Blessing' as the umpire. With a rhythmic backdrop reminiscent of the ballads of the sixties, finally shows us another aspect of having the album after two great examples that were the animated first single and part-time with a stunning percussion.
The video you have recorded to promote it has been led by Tarik Saleh has had the participation of the legendary Stellan Skarsgard and we can see Lykke Li turning on itself fueled by the wine dinner in a restaurant full of diners stretched the astonished look.

- Lykke Li - Wounded Rhymes (27/04/2011)
- Listen: Gold Panda Remixes Lykke Li (14/04/2011)
- Video: Lykke Li Does "MTV Unplugged" (04/04/2011)
- Lykke Li performs "Get Some" on Conan (13/03/2011)
- Lykke Li- I Follow Rivers (The Magician Remix) (07/04/2011)
Lykke Li (myspace)  Lykke Li (homepage)  Lykke Li (musicbrainz)  Lykke Li (wikipedia)  
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