Saturday, May 21, 2011

Manel - 10 miles per veure a bona armor: new wave Guardiola

It is very tempting to try to justify, confusing or deflect the overwhelming success of the interesting Manel sociopolitical movement that implies, but it would be hypocritical diversionary maneuver, holding off a group such as yours achieve sales success by making a pop elaborate and so carefully arranged and produced it is very difficult to escape you are not a "pretty this record." In a more narrative and daily log, but the Blues Helplessness wave of Fleet Foxes.

Like those, have taken this new step in the study to advance and deepen the narrative and expressive lyrics that, even if they are in Catalan and not understand, we just have to force yourself to listen (or look for a translation) appreciate a wonderful manners, but far from common topics and images, although in the case of situations that can happen to anyone.

In their quest to go one step further, give up the freshness, lightness and immediacy that permeated many of the songs from Els millors Professors europeus, that on this occasion we pay more attention to everything you own, but not many choruses , and ukuleles, and palms. Here chamber music is incorporated into the service of some songs that dressed in an elegant, sophisticated and delicious, but without sounding impostada nor artificial, but because it is requiring a more literary themes, but no less musical.

So much so that discussions are permitted in the songs without losing the thread. Manel - Anniversary (Youtube) 'Benvolgut' welcomes us with a ubiquitous whirlwind that welcomes us, and leads to a rapid clip, while granting the manor grounds of relevance and to 'les noves Criticarem modes of pentinant'.

The capella beginning with 'The Great Salt', the resonance of 'Cristall ball', or the conviction with which Guillem singing 'Flower Groga' I reconciled with the world before bedtime, reinforce your beliefs and believing that the day next will be better than the previous. The ease with which reporter is dressed in 'Anniversary' and 'The Cancer of soldadet', in two such different records are examples of the versatility that are handled and comfortable.

Possibly many ye lack pouring on the tonidas more festive, accessible, while most endearing stories of the album: 'Boomerang' and 'The il'Olga Miquel Torn', which is precisely why more easily gain access to your list of favorite songs of the album (and do so with reason), but not must leave out those that do not fall much at first, but are not so rewarding and satisfying as the immediacy and the infectious optimism of the latter two.

He said at first he did not want to take time to portray the circumstances surrounding the phenomenon that has led to the emergence of group Guillem Martí and Arnau Roger. I just want to ask you not to leave them to listen for the alleged language barrier (for the principles of linguistic intercompresión possibly will understand more than you think) and you imagine for a moment what would be Fleet Foxes, Sufjan Stevens, Pulp and some acoustic and The National put on a folk-pop group.

Imagine it sung in Catalan. Stop imagining and click on the link that follows. Enjoy. You're welcome.

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